Indiana Build, Learn, Grow Stabilization Grants
What: Grants designed to provide short-term funding to early care and education programs in Indiana. These are to help offset the increased costs as a result of COVID-19 and to help stabilize operations. These funds are administrated by the Indiana’s office of Early childhood and made possible by the ARP Act.
Who: In order to have received round too of the Build, Learn, Grow Stabilization grant early care or education program must have applied and met all the following requirements:
– Be a licensed, regulated or registered childcare program
– Meets applicable state and local health and safety requirements
– Open and currently serving children on the date of application
– In good standing with Indiana’s regulations for licensed or registered care
– Must NOT be a current Head Start or Early Head Start grant recipient
When: All applications had to be received by April 15th, 2022, and funds have been divided out and made available to those who applied and met the requirements. Funds must be spent by June 30th, 2023. Grant award funds will be distributed to programs via direct deposit.
How: Funding is being awarded based on answers and overall need as determined from the grant application. The funds will also depend on the type of care provided by the eligible providers along with the number of staff and children. These funds can be used for a variety of various expenses as outlined below:
– Personal Costs
– Facility Fees, Maintenance, and improvements
– COVID-19 Safety Related Needs
– Goods and Services Necessary to Resume and Strengthen Operations
– Mental Health Supports for Children and Employees
– Health and Safety Training
Still have Questions? Click Here for more details on allowable expenses or Click Here for an overview of these funds and FAQs.
Let us help you maximize the funding to enhance your learning space! Funding can be used on a variety of COVID-related or classroom supplies to help you resume care. Below are some popular items that childcare centers spent their various childcare grants or ARP funds on:
We here at Play with a Purpose truly understand how difficult the last few years have been for you and we do not want you to miss out on this opportunity for funding for your organization. We understand that applying for funding can be difficult at times and want to make sure we are here to apply and receive funds that will help you education and continue to serve the children in your area. Contact us today with any questions and we would be more than happy to help you! You can even schedule time to talk directly with your State Sales Rep. Schedule time with Nicole!