Understanding the Language Used for Childcare Stabilization Grants

Your center has received a portion of the federal childcare stabilization grants but what now? How can you use these funds to not only pay your rent, utilities, salaries but instead to enhance your classrooms and make equipment and furniture improvements? Well, here at Play with a Purpose we are ready to help you start understanding the language of your funding and helping you find new ways to get equipment that still meets the grant requirements. Here are some of the most common things that these funds can be used on:

  • Payroll (salary, benefits)
  • Copayment or tuition waivers for families receiving care
  • Rent or mortgage costs
  • Business operating costs, utilities, maintenance
  • Mental health supports for children and childcare employees
  • Personal protective equipment, Cleaning or sanitizing supplies and services

BUT there is also language in the grants that leave it open for us to help you get classroom supplies and equipment such as:

  • Purchases of or updates for equipment and supplies for COVID-19
  • Goods and Services needed to resume care
  • Equipment and Supplies

In the end these funds must be spent on items which sustain the childcare business. All our products fall into this over arching category, but you may need some help with the wording or language or help with the story of why you are getting a new carpet instead of buying disinfectant spray. Or why you are putting in an outdoor garden over something else.

For example, the CDC has said that learning outdoors is better and can reduce the spread of COVID-19 so use the funds to revamp your outdoor space and put in an outdoor learning area complete with tables, shade, a garden and sensory area. Kids are going to love learning outside, and families are going to appreciate that their children are getting more fresh air. Another example would be replacing furniture that is not easy to clean so instead of using beanbags and pillows, you can replace your reading area with small vinyl couches or anti-microbial seating. 

Our team at Play with a Purpose wants you to get the most out of your dollars because we also understand if it is not spent you lose the funds. We also want you to be able to think long-term about the needs of your centers for equipment and supplies. So, we are here to help and if you are stuck on the language in your stabilization grants reach out so we can help you not only understand them but help you make purchases that will excite your children, teachers, and families to come.

Contact us today to get started on updating our enhancing your space!

Still have more questions?

We here at Play with a Purpose truly understand how difficult the last few years have been for you and we do not want you to miss out on this opportunity to use these funds to enhance your organization. Contact us today with any questions and we would be more than happy to help you! You can even schedule time to talk directly with your State Sales Rep.  Schedule time with Nicole!