It’s hard to believe another school year is coming to an end. It seems like just yesterday that we were getting the classroom ready for a new group of kiddos and anxiously anticipating their arrival. As the school year comes to close, there are so many fun and exciting things to look forward to, along with the anticipation of summer break.
As the weather starts to warm up, planning a morning (or two) at a local park is one of the class-favorite activities. To make it easy, pick a park that is within walking distance if possible. In order to save time, request that parents apply sunscreen on their child before dropping their child off at school. It is also helpful to have the kiddos bring a water bottle that day and remind them to wear comfortable walking shoes. Keep an eye on the weather, and be sure to pick a back-up day if you get rained out. It is so fun to explore a new environment, play on new equipment, be outside, and just enjoy spending time with each other in those final days. Another helpful tip, for any weather-related issues, is to plan for some unique activities to do in the gym or classroom if you need to postpone your park trip due to inclement weather. Relay races or group games are always an easy option. That way your kiddos still get to do something new and exciting that day regardless!
With the warmer weather, comes all the fun spring outdoor activities like chalk, bubbles, water exploration and bug catching! Bubble machines are always a favorite, but make sure you give the kiddos chances to blow the bubbles on their own. It’s a fun skill to learn, although it can be a little messy at times. Give your kiddos a small bucket of water and some paint brushes and let them “paint” sidewalks, trees, and whatever else they’d like to do. Aside from maybe getting a little wet, its virtually mess-free! Catching and looking at different bugs and insects can also be a very fun time and unique learning experience for the kiddos. It is nice to plan an insect “unit” around the spring time so you can really expand on all of the topics you’re learning about in class while outside on a bug hunt. Bringing a small clear container (with air holes) outside during recess time can be a fun way to get the conversations started. Let the kiddos catch bugs and talk about how it is important to be careful with the insect, what an insect needs to survive, different types of insects, and the importance of letting them go once they are done looking at them.
Another day the kiddos really seem to look forward to is the day they get to bring their “alphabet books” home. All year long, the kiddos work hard to create an art project that starts with each letter of the alphabet. At the beginning of the year, I have them bring in a 3 ring binder to store their work in. Once the alphabet is complete (usually around the last month of school), they get to finally bring their work home. The kiddos love taking time to look through their previous work and share it with their friends and families. It is so fun to see these examples of their progress with cutting and gluing throughout the year.
Finally, we reach that last week of school and get ready for the most anticipated day of the school year – preschool graduation. The kiddos will wear their graduation hats created out of paper by their teachers, and cloth graduation robes, and go on stage. They will sing several songs as part of their program, usually a few about graduation or going to kindergarten, and then showcase a couple of songs they have really enjoyed throughout the year. Once they are done singing, there is a slideshow of fun pictures from the school year for everyone to watch and reminisce, and the commencement ends with the kiddos receiving their diplomas. Many laughs, hugs, pictures, and even a few happy tears follow once the program has finished, all proof of another fun year of preschool!
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