At some point almost every child is fascinated with dinosaurs and learning about these creatures that lived long before human existence. But did you know there are days dedicated to drawing dinosaurs or learning about them? I didn’t, and I am guessing many of you did not either. We want to give you some dinosaur activities to help children learn about them in the classroom for these unique days.
Create a Dino Buddy
Using these printable dinosaurs, children can pick their favorite and color it. Then with the help of a teacher, they can cut them out and glue them on a clothespin. These dinosaurs can then be used to tell stories throughout the day, or the child can pretend to be the dinosaur talking all day. Teacher’s can even use them to tell stories or explain how to do their work at a specific station. This is the perfect dinosaur activity for younger students as it allows them to be creative, and work on their scissor skills! Older kids can also work to draw and create their own without the help of our printable.
Exploratory Dig
Transform your everyday sensory table into one that can be used for an archaeological dig using a discovery bone set. Children love sifting through the sand, dirt, or sensory rice to find various bones and match them to activity cards. If you are feeling even more adventurous, you can wet the dirt the night before so that it can harden, and the children will need to use various tools to dig out the bones. This can also be done in an outdoor sandbox depending on the climate or time of year.
Story Time
One of the best parts for me as a child was listening to a story in the afternoon after lunch. So, why not share some great stories about dinosaurs with kids in your care? Some of my favorite stories were any of the Danny and the Dinosaur Books by Syd Hoff. In these books Danny and his best buddy, the dinosaur, embark on various adventures and help focus on teaching children to read. These books also allow children or the teacher to use the clothes pin dinosaurs to speak during different part of the book.
Learning about dinosaurs is not only fun, but it can also be very educational with some planning. I hope these dinosaur activities allow you to have fun teaching your students about dinosaurs! What are other ideas for helping teach your students about dinosaurs that you use in your classroom?
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